The Mediaconversion specialists

No, this is not what you should do when you cannot read for media!

Our speciality is the conversion of magnetic media which you need to handle, but are not supported (anymore) by your system, possibly followed by data manipulation (character set conversion, Record Reformatting and/or Validation, ).

Typical examples include
- preparing mailing lists based on mainframe files,
- reading old back-ups, e.g. after a "request" from the Tax people,
- conversion of 9-track open-reel tapes,
- dissecting datafiles in order to extract relevant information, analysing this data and convert it to spreadsheet(s)

Our conversion software is not limited to the handling of magnetic media; it is in fact a generalized software meant to massage data into a shape you can handle.
If you need to read a file with a wrong layout, e.g. wrong date layout, wrong representation of a numeric field or whatever, it is very easy to correct this.

Some of the special jobs we have done at the Servicebureau include :
(1) reading about 70 tapes from an old Census in the former French West-Africa;
(2) converting 8" floppies from a hospital in Canada in order to save pictures from a scanner;
(3) doing a system restore for the German financial police, so they could nick a big-time tax evader;
(4) assisting customs and tax authorities in numerous VAT scams
(5) assisting a German local authority in analysing data from two partial backups in order to get a more-or-less working system

Stock (Used/NOS)
Servicebureau (upd. 2014.07.25)

(c) 2014, Nico de Jong, Orehoved Stationsvej 19, 4840 Nørre Alslev. Tlf 57 64 39 52 / 40 83 07 20
